This year, campers are presenting on topics like mapping and history and an overview of digital humanities; starting conversations on practical applications of technology in classrooms, theaters, museums and in libraries; and participating in activities to learn about different ways that technology can enhance the pursuit of humanistic disciplines.
Here’s what campers have to say…
I am interested in finding out more about traveling museum exhibits and what it would take to design a show about reproductive justice and breastfeeding throughout NM’s history.
I am very interested in connecting with others in Albuquerque and beyond and to participate in problem solving or just brainstorming current issues.
I want to discuss digital mapping and public history, especially with respect to map literacy, perceptions of space, and historical memory.
I want to draw from my vast experience as a published author of textbooks, poetry, and novels rooted in native New Mexico culture and community to focus on the power of community in creating intellectual property that broadens the intellect and develops a population rooted in the arts.